Plastic aquarium: turning recycled waste into art

by Jason Hyde on Nov 20, 2020

Plastic aquarium: turning recycled waste into art

Today we want to bring all the attention to something we’ve been working on for a few months now. A very special project to us in collaboration with our friends from the organization Clean Miami Beach. If you’ve been following us for a while now, you’ll remember Clean Miami Beach and Sophie, from our first-ever Jason Hyde podcast. With her, we discussed how contaminated beaches and oceans are and how plastic affects all the living beings in the ocean.

Organizing weekly clean-ups, Sophie and her organization are focused on educating people on how toxic it is to leave waste, especially plastic near the sea life.

Sophie has been making art from what she collects from the clean-ups. Different shapes with different meanings. But our favorite ones have been fish made out of plastic, an awesome initiative she saw from Plastic Fisherman who is also involved in this project.

So, without further due, we would like everyone reading this to share it with someone and let them know about the plastic aquarium we will be hosting at the store. Yes, you read that correctly! We are turning our kiosk in the busy Aventura Mall into a Plastic Aquarium!

With pieces by Sophie and the Plastic Fisherman themselves, we will be exhibiting their art. Not only you will be amazed by the beautiful creations these artists have managed to create, but you will learn from types of plastic and how you can help heal our oceans. With 16 different types of plastic fish, you are going to be in for a treat.

Did you know that scientists estimate that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the sea? You have a choice right now, are you going to let that happen? Or are you stepping up and doing your part? 

Jason Hyde, Clean Miami Beach, and Plastic Fisherman need your help! Change starts with you! You know that the worst waste of TIME is the kind where no action is taken. 

Call a friend, bring your dog, and make it an activity but do it! We still have time to save our planet, happy ocean, happy earth? Isn’t that how the saying goes? 

Ok, if that one didn’t convince you… here is another one: There’s plenty of fish in the sea, right? Well, if we don’t do something there won’t be any more. Help your dating pool and pick up some trash every time you go to the beach, or wherever you are, be conscious of how you treat our planet because even if you don’t appreciate it now, you sure are going to miss it when it is gone.

Remember, the ocean is for the fish, not plastic. Join the revolution, save the world. See you at the aquarium!



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