If someone would’ve said in January 2020 that we would all be inside for months…. No one would’ve believed them because at the time it sounded crazy. 10 months later, here we are. From baking banana bread to Dalgona coffee and at-home DIY projects, we find ourselves ending the year.
Endings are always tricky, either you’re sad because something is ending or you’re happy because you won’t have to keep doing/living moments you don’t want. But whichever the case is, endings are followed by beginnings and those we LOVE.
So, let's thank 2020 for all the moments, all the laughs, and all the tears. But especially for all the time it gave us! Sure, some may think we lost time by being home, but we allowed the planet to grow, heal, and thrive.
Instead of looking at 2020 as something terrible that happened to us, let’s try to find the positive side. It allowed people to look inside, to unite. The medical field came together like never before in hopes of finding a cure for a never-before-seen virus, and it looks like they found something that gives us hope.
Schools and colleges demonstrated that there are no barriers to learning and it opened up opportunities to people that didn’t have access to education before, which if you ask us, sounds amazing!
A lot of people lost their job and realized they weren’t happy, to begin with, and now launched a new business and are pursuing a new passion.
Mental health became a priority worldwide, and every single person around the world could relate to everyone else’s situation (mostly because we were all going through the same pandemic).
In 2020, Friends were made, TikTok became a world reference, and millennials and gen z started dancing together.
All in all, we lost loved ones who will always be in our hearts. We went through heartbreaks, and we missed important events in our people’s life. But we also got to appreciate ourselves, our family, our friends, work, and millions of dogs and cats (maybe other types of pets too) found a new home.
So, let's all toast this year, for everything that we lost and everything we have to look forward to in the new year. 2021 is a new opportunity to enjoy life, work harder and love more. And hey, if we can do that while taking care of the planet, count us in!
From the family of Jason Hyde to all of your homes, we wish you health, happiness, and TIME. Don’t waste 2021.
Love, JH