It is essential for each individual person to take matters into their own hands when it comes to bettering our environmental practices. We cannot surrender all control to organizations.When people are thriving individually it only ripples good things for the collective.
In its most basic form, a sit spot is a single place in nature that you visit regularly. Sit spots can be pristine and wild, but they can also be in the suburbs or the heart of a city. To find a sit spot that helps you build a core routine, you only need to regard three things:
- Safety. Your sit spot needs to be a place where you are safe.
- You have to be in nature, or at least outdoors, where your feet can directly touch the earth (dirt, sand, etc).
- Convenience. You must find a place close to your home that you can visit every day (ideally a 5 to 10 min walk).

What do you do when you find a sit spot? You go every day and spend anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour. Just taking nature in. After a few days, you can try to see if you notice what seems to be drawing your curiosity the most and if you’re observing any patterns.
The more you turn this practice as part of your routine, the more you’re going to get out of it. Including a sense of belonging and caring for the very thing that you go out to enjoy every day: nature.
According to an article on the website Tree Hugger: For decades, studies have shown how reconnecting to nature makes us kinder, more generous, and, of course, healthier.
In 2017, author Florence Williams explored and summed up a good deal of this research in her book, “The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier and More Creative.”
Self-care is the thing of the decade. Stop wasting time and get behind it, for you and the environment.