Eating meat again can help the environment #NoTimeToWaste
by Jason Hyde on Jul 29, 2021

For years, scientists have warned us about climate change and the effects that human intervention and abuse of natural resources will have on future generations.
Yet, have we been told the truth? You might have heard this before. To save the planet: you must eat less meat, switch from regular milk to plant-based ones (almond, oats, soy), and eat more leafy greens and seeds. We have also been told to act differently, reduce plastic/all waste, close the faucet when we’re brushing our teeth, etc. And then there is the obvious: don't litter, use public transportation/get a bike, etc.
Diet has had the most impact in the last decades. More people are following plant-based diets (although reportedly 84% of those go back to eating meat) every year.
We’ve taken the time to think about this and do some research, and your mind might be blown away by the end of this post. From environmental to personal impact, maybe you should consider eating meat again.
We know the idea is a little out there but keep reading and find out why.
It’s about knowing better and doing better with that knowledge. Everything keeps evolving. We continue to learn about how our bodies work, and how they relate to nature and the environment. Yes, most of the meat you can find at grocery stores is probably not the best for you or the environment, but it is not the meat per se, it’s a matter of how meat is raised, farmed, butchered, and delivered.
Industrial agriculture degrades the soil, while regenerative agriculture nurtures it. Regenerative agriculture refers to a set of farming practices with the primary goal of improving the health of the soil. Healthy soil = healthy food. Sadly, this practice excludes the use of pesticides and chemicals, rendering the cost of the food virtually higher, making it less accessible for many communities.
How can you support regenerative agriculture? Join a CSA (Community Shared Agriculture). You get local, organic produce and meats for your family. If shopping at a regular grocery store, always choose organic produce and pasture-raised grass-fed meats.
The production of these foods helps the environment, which at the end of the day, helps all of us! As you eat better and spend your money wisely, you lead the next generation by example and prevent wasting time in the battle to save the environment.