The future of humankind has always been there, ahead. So why are we so obsessed about later, tomorrow, and what comes next? We usually even forget the now. Why is it so hard to live in the present moment?
One could argue entire civilizations are created and driven by the almost certainty that the other shoe is about to drop. And, from an evolutionary perspective, that kind of makes sense. Be it predators, climate threats, wars, you name it, the past generations seemed to either prosper or deal with uncertainty and hardship, and on and on the merry goes around. Yet, we keep hearing over and over again how humans are now living their most prosperous life and it has come to stay. When then, does too much of a good thing become a bad thing?
It seems that we are simply moving too fast. It seems like we're moving at the same pace as technology. We might want to explore moving at the pace we’re supposed to, which is that of nature. This is why initiatives like the one you can find at 1000 hours outside are so important to families. The premise is that everyone, especially kids, should go out of their way to spend 1000 hours outside a year.
They’ve been inspired mainly by Charlotte Mason and often quote Richard Louv and David Sobel. The initiative hopes to encourage and motivate families to make nature time a priority by highlighting the litany of benefits that accompany breathing in outdoor air.
To put that into perspective, the average 7-year-old in America spends 1200 hours a year in front of a screen (Yikes!). But as always the tables are turning and ironically the pandemic served as the perfect push for people to become more outdoorsy which is why out, is now, in. What are you waiting for? Get out, get ready. There’s no time to waste.