Make your internet search more sustainable

by Jason Hyde on Apr 01, 2021

Make your internet search more sustainable

When you go to the beach, there’s abundant sand. If you were to attempt emptying the beach you would find yourself with what seems an endless task. 

But I like to think of the world from the opposite point of view: every grain of sand makes a beach. If we think of our world in the same way, every person has an effect on the world and every lifestyle decision we make has an effect on our bodies, our health, and in turn, our world.

We’ve strained so much as a society from what’s natural that we are now living in a polluted world with toxins all over the place. You’d think I’m exaggerating but toxins have been found in the blood of newborn babies and also in breast milk.

That's why we’re here, in part, to help you navigate this world. Since every grain counts, there’s always a way to help and be a grain of change. If all the grains changed individually, we’d be left with an entirely new beach.

Today, you can start by changing your search engine or at least exploring new ones.

What do I have against Google? Absolutely nothing, after all, we all ask her our most intimate questions. Rest assured you can ask the same questions to environmentally friendly search engines, like Ecosia. 

Think of it as a tree planting Google. Like its biggest competitor, Ecosia makes money through advertisements. But unlike Google, this new eco-wow search engine donates 80% of its profits to tree-planting charities. 

This company has been around since 2009, but it’s growing fast with conscious decisions planted in people’s minds by the day.

When people behind a company do things that seem fair, such as putting legally binding restrictions on the business (Ecosia’s shareholders and staff cannot personally sell shares or take profits outside of the company), they at least win our attention. 

After trying out Ecosia for a few weeks, I can hardly sense the difference anymore, and it pleases me to know that every search helps remove 1 kg of CO2 from the air!!

Try it out, go to ecosia.com. There is no time to waste.


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